Saturday, May 28, 2022 @ 9 am - 3 pm
Georgia Avenue NW, Washington, DC
(Nativity Church Youth Center Gym)
Across from MPD 4D and next to McDonald's
Saturday, May 28, 2022 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
To schedule your life-saving donation appointment
please or
call 1-800-RED-CROSS.
Remember to eat iron-rich foods and hydrate.
Please bring your photo identification and mask.
Eligibility questions about travel or health? Call 1-866-236-3276
BLOOD DRIVE DAY ONLY: Use Rapid Pass to fast track your donation. visit to learn more and save 15 minutes!
The hospital patients need our help and there is no substitute for blood. Thank you all for all of your support in the mission to save lives!
The Knights of Columbus, Keane Council #353 in collaboration with The Sodality of Our Lady, The Catholic Daughters, and the Youth Adults ministries at Nativity Catholic Church, are hosting its 2nd blood drive open to the public on May 28th.
On December 29, 2019, Nativity Catholic Church held its first blood drive. It was incredibly successful. Nativity Church is the only location in our community hosting a blood drive. With blood supplies in such high demand, your donations are more important than ever.
Hosting this drive was the long-time goal of Anthony "Tony" Avelino, a member of Keane Council who died in 2019. Before his illness, Tony was a regular blood donor and strongly believed that doing so was a small charitable effort that actually save someone's life. Just prior to his sudden illness, he began the outreach to host a blood drive at Nativity, but there was a significant wait-time and we were on the wait-list. The Red Cross tried to contact Tony when it came time for us to host the blood drive, but he had become ill by then and we missed our opportunity. Unfortunately, Tony died shortly before the COVID outbreak. Now, with the assistance of the Fr. Sass, Pastor of Nativity Catholic Church and the Red Cross we are now able fulfill his wish.